The Strongsville City Club Breakfast on the Covered Bridge has been a hit with all who attend and come back year after year. Where else can you spend a beautiful fall morning in the Cleveland Metroparks, and be served a delicious breakfast by a group of volunteers ready to respond to your requests? You not only enjoy a great breakfast, but at the same time you are donating to the betterment of our community.

The Strongsville City Club Breakfast on the Covered Bridge is the major fundraising event for the Strongsville City Club. The club has been active in the city since 1968 and was organized for the purpose of promoting civic interest. Over the years, the City Club has supported numerous projects, and is the very proud sponsor of those extraordinary athletes involved in the year-round competitive Special Olympics Program. The Strongsville City Club was recognized this past year as the Best Supporting Organization of the Special Olympics in the State of Ohio.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2025
7:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Walter F. Ehrnfelt Covered Bridge in the Cleveland Metroparks
The bridge is located at the corner of Whitney Road and Valley Parkway.
FREE Parking with Shuttle Bus from RTA Park-N-Ride 
FREE Shuttle Bus to Covered Bridge and Back
No Parking at the Metropark Garage or in the Metropark

Adult Donation: $12.00 Advance / $13.00 Day of Breakfast
Kids 10 & Under: $6.00 Advance / $7.00 Day of Breakfast

Tickets are available at the Ehrnfelt Recreation Center, 18100 Royalton Rd.; at Cleveland Tool and Cutter, 14181 Foltz Pkwy.; or from Strongsville City Club Members or may be purchased at the Bridge.
For ticket information call Bill Ritchie (440) 238-5770 or Click Here to contact a member and purchase your tickets in advance.


The success of our event is only possible through the participation and generous donations of our sponsors.  Displayed at the venue are banners recognizing the sponsor’s contribution to the success of the event. Please take the time to thank our sponsors or patronize their businesses.